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maintenance fund中文是什么意思

用"maintenance fund"造句"maintenance fund"怎么读"maintenance fund" in a sentence


  • 维修基金
  • 维修资金


  • The former provisional legislative council passed a motion in november 1997 urging government to be responsible for the inspections and to establish a building maintenance fund to provide assistance to building owners having difficulty meeting the repair costs
  • The former provisional legislative council passed a motion in november 1997 urging government to be responsible for the inspections and to establish a building maintenance fund to provide assistance to building owners having difficulty meeting the repair costs
  • Communal maintenance fund is special use at the residence common place and common facilities facilities guarantees after expiring , except regular moving maintenance beyond conserve limits in long , overhaul and transform , the fund that renews a project
  • To analyze and evaluate the maintenance cost during the period of operating the aircraft can help the airlines to make their maintenance funds arranged and used reasonable , and optimize their maintenance planning by given scientific data support
  • Equipments maintenance decision depends not only on technology condition of parts of equipment , but on some other factors such as synchronous maintenance , maintenance power , maintenance windows , maintenance funds and so on . for this reason , this paper discusses another important part of equipment maintenance decision from the synchronous maintenance and maintenance economy point of view
  • With the constant deepening of the housing system reformation , housing becoming commodity has striken root in the hearts of the people , and more and more commodity houses have begun to exceed the deadline of maintenance . therefore , the problems about the maintenance of the public sections facilities and equipment will influence the development of housing industry and the settlement of the society . it ' s quite important to build maintenance fund ' in time and manage it efficiently and the importance will be very striking . hence , it is taken for granted to expect to exploit housing maintenance fund management system and analyze the valuable knowledge through the systematic data to guide the governmental decisions
  • Service fund , it is to show property manages company foundation the ministry of finance " financial management of property management company sets " ( money radical word ( 1998 ) 7 ) regulation , accept owner management committee or person of property property right , use person entrusts the building that govern on somebody ' s behalf common place maintenance fund and fund of maintenance of public facilities facilities
    维修基金,是指物业治理企业根据财政部《物业治理企业财务治理规定》 (财基字( 1998 ) 7号)的规定,接受业主治理委员会或物业产权人、使用人委托代管的房屋共用部位维修基金和公用设施设备维修基金。
  • In the paper , my research aims at exploiting housing maintenance fund management system , on the basis of which , the housing fund management analysis system will be designed based on the data warehouse by doing some research on data warehouse and the technology of data mining , thus escalating and extending the function of housing maintenance fund management system
  • The director of lands and the director of buildings are looking at lease conditions and building regulations to provide the best support and incentives for developers , professionals and contractors to design and construct quality buildings , to use safe , durable and maintainable materials , to contribute to a maintenance fund , and to lengthen the warranty period for latent defects
用"maintenance fund"造句  


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